My son found a robotshirt in an old Ottobre-magazine. I made him one, only with self-made applique and another shirt pattern. T-shirt fabrics are from my own old t-shirts. I could really have worked a bit longer with this, parts of the applique are not quite straight and also the ribbing is wonky and could have been better if I took it off and sew again, but my client was really busy. He wore the shirt already the day before I finished it and I had to wash it before I could sew the ribbing. Never mind, I feel happy he likes something I made for him!
Kuvauksen hoidin kiireellä keskellä yötä, perheen nukkuessa, lievässä valaistuksessa, ilman vastahakoista mallia. Myönnetään, se näyttää enemmän radio- kuin robottipaidalta, mutta olin hyvin huojentunut, kun Ukkonen joustavassa mielessään piti täysin luonnollisena, että robotilla on radio kojetaulussa ja kajarit pitkin rinnuksia.
It looks more like a retro radio than a robot shirt, but he found it quite natural that there is a radio on a robot!